
Movement becomes a common flow – join us!

3AMK Moves has got off to a fast start. At the beginning of the year, activity and movement will be boosted by, for example, new courses for well-being, activity pledges from different teams in the 3AMK community, and movement pedagogy workshops for teachers.   The Get Finland Moving programme has the

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­­Changes in 3AMK study offering

There will be changes to the focus and quantity of 3AMK study offering during the upcoming contract period of 3AMK. The changes are affected by 3AMK’s new strategic goal and reduced strategic funding. The strategic goal of 3AMK’s contract period 2025–2028 is to support the integration and employment of international

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Opiskelijat ottavat pallot vastaan.

Student Unions are ready to increase movement with 3AMK Moves -project

Helga, Laureamko and METKA have accepted the official 3AMK Moves -project balls. Now they prepare to create activity pledges and test them. Student Unions caught the balls. In picture from left to right Juuso Jaakkola (METKA), Renja Tilander (Laureamko) and Eppu Åberg (Helga). During the current academic year, the symbolic

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CareerBot has been taken out of use

The CareerBot service created by the 3AMK AI team has been taken out of use. The service offered help in finding a dream career with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).  The CareerBot service had been implemented in cooperation between 3AMK and Headai Oy. The collaboration will not be continued

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3AMK prosessijohtaja Antti Vettenranta ja Haaga-Helian rehtori Teemu Kokko iloisina yleisön edessä

Summary of the fall’s 3AMK development seminar

Antti Vettenranta (on the left) and Teemu Kokko (on the right) welcomed the seminar’s participants. The Picture: Erika Johansson The fall’s development seminar of 3AMK (the strategic alliance between Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia) was held on Thursday 19th of September at the Haaga-Helia Pasila campus. Members of the 3AMK staff and

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3AMK website is out of order 18th to 23rd of June

Because of maintenance work 3AMK website will not work on 18 – 23 June. Haaga-Helia has a maintenance break at the same time, and it will affect Haaga-Helia’s services. Haaga-Helia’s Moodle, Peppi and website will not work on 18- 23 June. During the maintenance break Haaga-Helia’s students cannot enroll for

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3AMK fall study offering is out – new way to enroll

3AMK fall study offering has been published today 22th of April at 3AMK’s website. 3AMK offers studies which develop new and needed skills for a changing working life. The study offering consist of unique 3AMK collaboration courses and selected themes-related courses from Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. A wide range of

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Viestintäharjoittelija Anni Huomolin poseeraa 3AMK:n oreintaatioständin vieressä flyerit kädessä

3AMK joined the orientation days on the campuses

At the beginning of January, over two thousand new students started at Haaga-Helia, Laurea, and Metropolia Universities of Applied Sciences. 3AMK took part in the orientation days on the campuses in the Helsinki metropolitan area, where we had the opportunity to meet new students and inform them about our services

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Kuva henkilöstä Anni Huomolin

Meet Anni Huomolin, 3AMK’s new communications intern

Hi there! I’m Anni, and I’m working as a communication intern at 3AMK this spring. I’m in my final year of studying cultural management at Metropolia., and I’ll graduate this spring. At the same time, I’m working on my thesis, which will be finished in the beginning of this year.

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3AMK campus tour on weeks 46-48 

3AMK tours some of Haaga-Helia’s, Laurea’s and Metropolia’s campuses on weeks 46-48. Purpose of this tour is to present our spring 2024 study offering to students, change in our studies and 3AMK operations in its entirety. As well student counselors and other personnel have a chance to come, and chat

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Changes in 3AMK studies

*updated on 8th of Noveber 2023 at 10.32, specifying themes’ names and number So far 3AMK study offering has consisted of intensive courses, languages and learning lines. In the future 3AMK study offering will be categorized by themes and it will consist intensive courses made in collaboration and selected courses

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Monthly coverage

This is how 3AMK’s fall has started

Fall 2023 has started at speed. At the beginning of August, new communications intern Iida Koivusaari started at 3AMK. Soon after this, new students started their studies. In addition to this 3AMK has organized events to 3AMK personnel, new events have been planned and preparation to contract period 2024 has

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Fall’s development seminar: RDI-operations will be developed with trust and teamwork

3AMK’s fall’s development seminar was hold on 19th of September at Laurea Tikkurila campus. The seminar’s theme was RDI-operations and its development, including research and development campus of vocational pedagogy. The seminar’s participants were staff members from Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia, and student unions’ representatives. There were good conversations in

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3AMK participated in fall’s Freshers’ Days

This fall 3AMK took part in Helga’s, Laureamko’s and Metka’s Freshers’ Days. Freshers’ Days were held with Metropolia’s students on 6th of September, with Laurea’s students on 12th September and with Haaga-Helia’s students on 14th of September at Kaivopuisto in Helsinki. Weather was nice on Freshers’ Days and raincoats were

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Siististi pukeutuneita henkilöitä seisomassa rakennuksen oviaukolla.

3UAS met with decision-makers in Brussels

Representatives of Haaga-Helia, Metropolia and Laurea highlighted the 3UAS’ role as an integral part of the regional innovation ecosystem and as an active RDI actor during the advocacy trip. During the trip the delegation learned more about EU advocacy and funding opportunities. At the end of May, a joint EU

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Henkilö hymyilee kameralle.

Greetings from the new communications intern

Hello, I am Iida Koivusaari, 3AMK’s new communications intern. My goal for the next spring is to write my thesis and graduate as Bachelor of Business Administration. I’m studying at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, and I’m specialized in Marketing and Communications. I’m part of the 3AMK-team from August 2023

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A graphic illustration of a head and space scenery behind it.

From Tutor to Project Manager

Viljami Osada, a Master’s student of Service Innovation and Design, has started as a project manager in the 3AMK Digital Wellbeing Sprint. The Digital Wellbeing Sprint, or DWS for shorter, is a Design Sprint that focuses on societal problems concerning healthcare and wellbeing. Viljami was a student tutor in the last year’s sprint, and

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Viikki Science Day Was a Success

The collaboration between University of Helsinki and 3AMK  had its kick-off event Viikki Science Day on monday 30th of January. The event was a big success as there were a lot of visitors and all the arrangements went great. Viikki Science Day started with opening words from Tomi Taira, the vice-dean

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Call for Papers: Developing Vocational Pedagogical Competence

We invite researchers, experts and developers to write for the 3AMK joint issue “Developing vocational pedagogical competence”. This issue is part of the activities of 3AMK vocational pedagogical research campus. The campus cooperation between the three higher education institutions has started out of a genuine need, as research and development

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Collaboration with University of Helsinki Has Started

The collaboration between University of Helsinki and 3AMK has started. The collaboration focuses on doctoral studies and research, and the aim of the collaboration is to make doctoral studies a more visible option for UAS students. 3AMK and UH collaboration is meant to enable great networking opportunities as well as

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Monthly coverage

November coverage

The enrollments for spring 2023 studies opened in the end of November, and the study offering and enrollments have kept us busy in November. Our website has also gotten a new look and the 3AMK campus tour began. New look for the website 3AMK website has gotten a new more

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CareerBot – an AI solution for finding work and self-development for students

CareerBot is an artificial intelligence powered platform that helps students with their journey towards their dream career. It was designed to enable students to take a skills-driven approach in finding their personal studying paths, and ultimately, to optimize their job market fit. CareerBot is an ongoing collaboration between 3AMK and Headai

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Monthly coverage

August coverage

Welcome to another monthly coverage! 3AMK’s fall has started very well with new employees and a lot of new exciting ideas for the future. In the beginning of August a new development manager Katja Kuuramaa started and at the end of August a new communications intern Iina Salomäki stated. Studies

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Greetings from the new communications intern

Hi! I am Iina Salomäki, a new communications intern of 3AMK. I’m a 24-year-old student from Helsinki. I graduate as a BBA from Haaga-Helia in spring 2023. I’ve just started writing my thesis and that project will take most of my time along with work for the next semester. I

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Cern Bootcamp

Cern Bootcamp is an innovative study concept, which is co-created together with Cern, companies and European universities. Social challenges are solved at the Bootcamp and it culminates in an intensive week organized in Switzerland in June. Cern is a particle physics research center operating in Switzerland, where approximately 2 500

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Introduction of the new development manager

On Monday 15th August Katja Kuuramaa from Haaga-Helia joined the 3UAS Alliance as a new development manager. Katja has already worked for a few years as a designer in Haaga-Helia. As a part of her work tasks, she took part in the development of the new study plan for Haaga-Helia’s

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