I am Iida Koivusaari, 3AMK’s new communications intern. My goal for the next spring is to write my thesis and graduate as Bachelor of Business Administration. I’m studying at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, and I’m specialized in Marketing and Communications. I’m part of the 3AMK-team from August 2023 till early January 2024.
I see this fall full of opportunities to learn new, meet new people and improve my communications skills. Because of that, I’m looking forward for this fall, even though as a season it doesn’t compare to my favorite season spring. Besides spring, I like ice cream, animals, board games and listening to music.
Feel free to contact me about anything related to 3AMK’s communications!
Iida Koivusaari
iida.koivusaari@laurea.fi / +358 50 401 8548