Enrollment for studies

Starting from 6th of May 2024, enrollment for 3AMK studies changes due the cross-institutional enrollment service. The change concerns enrollment for Fall 2024 studies. Enrollment for summer 2024 studies happens the old way.

Here you can find general instructions to how to enroll 3AMK studies now on. More precise instruction about how to use Peppi/Pakki/OMA and how to add 3AMK courses to your HOPS can be found your UAS’ own system. When enrolling in Peppi/Pakki/OMA, you do not have to transfer studies.

Remember to make sure with your University of Applied Sciences that the course can be included in your own degree before enrolling!

Degree students

Degree students enroll for studies in Peppi/Pakki/OMA using the cross-institutional enrollment service. In Study search you can search 3AMK studies through cross-institutional enrollment service. 3AMK courses can be found under the coordinating UAS. Easiest way to find precise course is to search it with the course code, which can be found in 3AMK website on course’s own site under “Enrollment” (picture of it at the bottom part of this page).

Path students

Haaga-Helia’s and Metropolia’s path students:

Enrollment for studies happens through 3AMK website. You will find the enrollment link at 3AMK website on course’s own site under “Enrollment” (picture of it at the bottom part of this page).

Laurea’s path students:

Enrollment happens in Peppi/Pakki/OMA using the cross-institutional enrollment service. In Study search you can search 3AMK studies through cross-institutional enrollment service. 3AMK courses can be found under the coordinating UAS. Easiest way to find precise course is to search it with the course code, which can be found in 3AMK website on course’s own site under “Enrollment” (picture of it at the bottom part of this page).

Open UAS students

Enrollment for studies happens through 3AMK website. You will find the enrollment link at 3AMK website on course’s own site under “Enrollment”.

Picture of enrollment menu that can be found on courses’ own sites. There is short summary of how to enroll, and course codes and enrollment links.

Published: 3rd of May 2024

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