Entrepreneurship and innovations are large and important themes in working life and for that reason also one of the five collaboration areas of 3AMK. Entrepreneurship and innovations team offers interesting opportunities for anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, thinks like an entrepreneur or is already an entrepreneur. The goal is to strengthen the work life of the future and the economical vitality of the metropolitan area by encouraging students to entrepreneurship and supporting business world.
Together with the learning excellence collaboration area different types of studies on entrepreneurship and innovations are offered, focusing mostly on intensive courses and developing new study concepts. Courses are often organized in collaboration with the local companies. Entrepreneurship and innovations collaboration area also supports campus incubator programs and student entrepreneurship. Various types of business services, events and councelling is available.

Mikko Järvinen
mikko.jarvinen@haaga-helia.fi +358 29 447 1100

Petteri Tiljander
petteri.tiljander@haaga-helia.fi +358 29 447 1951

Antti Sekki
antti.sekki@laurea.fi +358 9 8868 7831

Jari Kyrö
jari.kyro@laurea.fi +358 40 087 3860

Juha Järvinen
juha.jarvinen@metropolia.fi +358 40 674 5208

Hannes Jesar
hannes.jesar@metropolia.fi +358 40 688 5662

Entrepreneurship and innovation are cross-cutting and still rising themes in Finnish working life. As a result, it has been raised as one of the co-operation areas of 3UAS. Cooperation is carried out both in terms of studies and research, development and innovation activities.
Degree students at Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia can choose the courses they want to attend to from 3UAS. In particular, the area of cooperation focuses on the creation, testing, and piloting of intensive implementations and entirely new learning concepts. In addition to degree students, we offer studies for the target group of continuous learning. Intensive courses are typically working life-oriented concepts implemented in close business cooperation, in which students meet representatives of working life and look for solutions to the challenges of working life. Check out the intensive courses here.
In addition, we support campus incubator activities, student entrepreneurship and provide joint business services, events and advice.
In terms of research, development and innovation, digital and sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship are at the center. In addition, the cooperation area is looking for ways to implement successful commercial concepts.
We are socially influential by working closely with companies in the 3UAS areas, and by making extensive use of both national and international ecosystems and networks. We work closely with the other 3UAS cooperation areas.
Get to know the collaborative learning concepts
10 Days 100 Challenges
10 Days 100 Challenges intensive course
10 Days 100 Challenges website
Climate Launchpad
Get to know the collaborative RDI projects
3ES Alliance (city of Helsinki innovation fund)
Cooperation with student-driven Entrepreneurship Societies
3AMK Entrepreneurship Society Alliance
Helsinki-Uusimaa – Sustainable and digital entrepreneurship region (EAKR, React EU)
Information about the project on Haaga-Helia’s website
Information about the project on Laurea’s website
Get to know the campus incubator activities
Get to know the Entrepreneurship Society’s activities
3UAS news:
10 Days 100 Challenges:
Students Innovate New Business Models in 10 Days | Metropolia UAS
Climate Launchpad:
ClimateLaunchpad – the World’s Largest Green Business Competition | Haaga-Helia
Haaga-Helia coordinates the Finnish ClimateLaunchpad 2021 business idea competition | Haaga-Helia