Finding interns with JobTeaser
Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia participate in the Talent Helsinki project whose aim is to attract foreign talent for sectors with labour shortages to Helsinki-based companies and help them and their families settle in the area and find employment. The project is part of the Talent Boost programme.
The project also further develops the JobTeaser portal. The aim is to increase employer and international student numbers and their activity on JobTeaser; boost employment and internship advertising, and to develop material and features in the portal that support the employment opportunities of international students.
Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia use the JobTeaser career portal through which you reach more than 35,500 Finnish- and English-speaking degree students.
- Advertise vacancies and internships or thesis opportunities for degree students.
- Enhance your employer brand by creating an employer profile.
- Market your organisation’s events and other networking opportunities for students.
- Explore degree student’s profiles.
English subtitles are available for the video.
Diverse talent increases your organisation's expertise
Studies at universities of applied sciences are practical and workplace-oriented, and those graduating from degree programmes have the capabilities to succeed in changing work life. Internships allow students to apply the skills they have incurred and increase their work life competence and expertise. Students also have a chance to develop solutions for global challenges by examining international perspectives and trends. When they graduate, students are expected to have a comprehensive set of skills in their are of study and strong interaction and team work abilities.
Recruit international talent
By recruiting international students for internships, you also support their future employment in Finland. In addition to professional expertise, you will have employees who have extensive language competence and novel and wide-ranging ideas.
When cooperating with us, you have a chance of networking with the 3,000 university of applied sciences under- and post-graduate and other university-educated international experts.
Using JobTeaser
There are two ways to use JobTeaser:
- Advertise a vacancy.
- Create a profile for your organisation.
- In JobTeaser, you can monitor the whole process: how many clicks an advert gets and how many students apply for the job. You can also modify the advert and archive it.
- In addition to advertising vacancies by creating a profile, you can also tell about your organisation in more detail to potential applicants so that they can target their applications more efficiently. You also get to explore students’ expert profiles.
Haaga-Helia University Of Applied Sciences
Haaga-Helia’s degree programmes include business, information technology, hospitality and tourism, business service solutions and languages, journalism and sports.
Link to career and recruitment services: Career and recruiting services | Haaga-Helia.
Laurea University Of Applied Sciences
Laurea offers 24 degree programmes of which 9 are in English. The programmes educate experts for the service sector (hospitality and tourism, security and beauty and cosmetics), social and healthcare sectors as well as business and information technology.
Link to career and recruitment services: Need an intern or an employee – Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu.
Metropolia University Of Applied Sciences
Metropolia offers 71 degree programmes of which 15 are in English. The programmes educate experts for business and technology sectors, social and healthcare sectors and culture sector.
Link to career and recruitment services: Services | Metropolia UAS.
Internships in social and healthcare sectors are published in Jobiili.