3AMK learning excellence aims at producing a wide variety of courses and study compoitions in collaboration with 3AMK universities. Study offering utilizes the individual strenghts of each 3AMK university in order to give students more options for their studies. Courses and study compositions are composed with a goal of filling the needs of the work life of tomorrow as well as creating more flexible and versatile solutions for students. 3AMK cooperates with University of Helsinki by organizing different joint studies. 3AMK is also an strategic cooperation partner with HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd.
Our studies are offered for degree students and continuous learning students in both bachelor’s and master’s studies. 3AMK offers:
- 3AMK courses which are worth 5-10 ECTS and are organized together with Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia.
- Chosen theme-related courses from 3AMK universities’ study offerings. Courses are a part of the universities own study offering but there are places recerved for students enrolling through 3AMK.
Katja Kuuramaa
katja.kuuramaa@haaga-helia.fi +358 50 472 7972
Sanna Niinikoski
sanna.niinikoski@laurea.fi +358 40 637 3806
Tatjana Huhtamäki
tatjana.huhtamaki@laurea.fi +358 50 477 7917
Päivi Laine
paivi.laine@metropolia.fi +358 40 167 7999