3AMK Moves has got off to a fast start. At the beginning of the year, activity and movement will be boosted by, for example, new courses for well-being, activity pledges from different teams in the 3AMK community, and movement pedagogy workshops for teachers.
The Get Finland Moving programme has the aim to add movement to the everyday life. Our higher education community is linked to the programme through 3AMK Moves project, in which the movement develops higher education culture to support learning, well-being and communality.
3AMK’s teams and student communities have been encouraged to think about their own operating environment: how can we create more movement in study and working days? The teams form activity pledges that suit them and are tested in everyday life. Check out the ones already given activity pledges and encourage your own team to get involved.
Experiences of the activity pledges will be utilised in the spring, when the entire higher education community gets to formulate a common 3AMK activity guideline.
Pilots for more active university life
In January, the project’s new 3AMK-courses will be piloted for students: in English Tune Up Your Daily Life – A Path to a Balanced Professional (3 ECTS) and in Finnish Tuunaa arkesi – Polku hyvinvoivaksi ammattilaiseksi (3 ECTS). Students are also reached through various pedagogical experiments that the project’s activity facilitators will launch at the beginning of the year.
In February, teaching staff will be offered movement pedagogy workshops with the aim of supporting the competence development of teachers and instructors and sharing good practices for more physically active teaching.
You are also welcome to share your own activity tips together at the activity bank.
Welcome to develop an active higher education culture together in a way that suits you!
3AMK Moves movement vocabulary
- Movement means, broadly defined, any kind of activity. Movement can be, for example, taking a microbreak or moving as part of learning or working. In this context, movement is understood broadly, from small movements to physical activity and all the way to exercise, so that it is suitable for the everyday study and work at the 3AMK community.
- Activity guideline is a common policy for 3AMK’s higher education institutions on how movement is visible in the everyday life of our organizations. The guideline will be formed together in spring 2025.
- Activity pledge signifies promises from different teams and communities about how movement and activity are reflected in the team’s everyday life.
- Activity facilitator is a student or staff member who, in their own operating environment, purposefully tests, pilots or otherwise promotes the addition of movement to the everyday life of the university. The information gathered by facilitators is used to formulate the common activity guideline.