Student Unions are ready to increase movement with 3AMK Moves -project

Opiskelijat ottavat pallot vastaan.

Helga, Laureamko and METKA have accepted the official 3AMK Moves -project balls. Now they prepare to create activity pledges and test them. Student Unions caught the balls. In picture from left to right Juuso Jaakkola (METKA), Renja Tilander (Laureamko) and Eppu Åberg (Helga). During the current academic year, the symbolic…

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More movement in the everyday life of higher education institutions – 3AMK Moves -project launched

3AMK prosessijohtaja sekä Haaga-Helian rehtori yhdessä Laurean ja Metropolian johtojen edustajien kanssa. Rehtorilla ja edustajilla on pallot käsissä. Kuvassa vallitsee iloinen tunnelma.

The 3AMK Moves -project started when the balls moved on the 19th of September at the 3AMK development seminar at Haaga-Helia’s Pasila campus. About fifty people witnessed how representatives of Haaga-Helia’s, Laurea’s and Metropolia’s management received the balls from 3AMK Chief Process Director Antti Vettenranta and promised to be involved…

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Successes in RDI’s Urban growth Vantaa project

Urban growth – The GSIP Vantaa (Growth and Social Investment Pacts) project aimed to support the growth of Vantaa-based companies, raise the skills level of the workforce, improve employment in the region and develop and increase jobs. The aim of the project was to develop services that meet the needs…

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