A few years ago, the three largest universities of applied sciences in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia, decided to co-operate with the Finnish startup company HeadAI Ltd, which has created its own artificial intelligence model around skills and qualifications. After several pilots of the artificial intelligence model, user feedback and further development cycle of the service, CareerBot is now ready for use by students and staff!
What CareerBot?
CareerBot is an artificial intelligence service that can be used to search for jobs, courses and to map the topic of thesis. CareerBot can also be used for example, to support career and recruitment services.
What Careerbot can be used for?
With CareerBot, you can create a skills profile by naming your skills or competencies. With the skills profile, you can search for jobs that match your skills as well as your dream job. By visualizing your skills profile into a semantic map, you can mirror your skill level in relation to the skills needed in the job. You can easily search for courses that meet the skills needs of the job in the study offerings of Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. With CareerBot you can also search for theses as well as topics for your thesis and learn about the popularity of topics.
To whom CareerBot is for?
For students looking for jobs, courses on missing skills or information about thesis. Staff can also use CareerBot for theses or to obtain information for example on RDI projects.
Students will find a study offer related to artificial intelligence in UAS study guides or CareerBot’s course search. The AI-team will hold webinars on the subject for staff in May and autumn, which will be recorded and distributed.
AI and 3UAS Alliance
HeadAI’s technology and data model have been utilized in the background in the OmaAI service, in continuous learning pilots such as AMKoodari training and in the crystal ball demo. The aim of 3UAS is to obtain external project funding for the development of artificial intelligence and to promote ecosystem cooperation between other operators in the field. The aim of 3UAS is also to add artificial intelligence into the supply of learning excellence, and to ptoduce publications and organize training for 3UAS staff.
AI in the world
Mirrored at the international training technology trade fair BETT, artificial intelligence has not been developed for functions like CareerBot. In Finland, HeadAI Ltd background technology has been used for example in the Duunikoutsi app. Artificial intelligence has been a growing trend in education for years in Europe, but even more so in the United States and China.