It has come to the current communication intern’s attention that Haaga-Helia’s communication department has been translating 3AMK’s monthly coverage. So from now on, monthly coverage will be published in English as well. In this article, we’ll review events from 3AMK Alliance’s April.
AI-team’s Careerbot has been launched in universities of applied sciences. The students can search for jobs and courses as well as searching a topic for thesis. Staff can use CareerBot for example on information acquisition. Read more about CareerBot here: Deployment of CareerBot by 3AMK’s AI-team – 3AMK.
Development seminar about higher education pedagogy
On Wednesday 27.4. 3AMK’s staff gathered for a development seminar in Metropolia’s Myyrmäki campus. The theme for the development seminar was higher education pedagogy and the aim was to form a common view of the role of pedagogical development in the activities of the 3AMK Alliance. The seminar was attended by the university principals, 3AMK’s process director, learning development managers and other 3AMK staff.
The development seminar was opened by Metropolia’s principal Riitta Konkola, who pointed out that the alliance needs to be more effective, especially in the awareness of stakeholders. Process Director Antti Vettenranta emphasized that it would be good to consider how we can together strengthen the role of higher education pedagogy in 3AMK.
Through the assignments, the participants of the development seminar discussed what the desired future could be in the perspective of pedagogy and how 3AMK could get to that future.
The development seminar was initiated by Jari Laukia, Director of Vocational Teacher Education in Haaga-Helia, who gave a comprehensive presentation to the staff about higher education pedagogy and its possibilities in co-operation with 3AMK.
As a result of the development seminar, 3AMK will start building vocational education and investing in pedagogical development. The primary pedagogical development focuses on the 3AMK staff and the development of their teaching, for example through mentoring and webinars. It’s also intended to provide in-service training for staff and to commercialize activities as pedagogy is further developed. The seminar also highlighted the paucity of pedagogical research in Finland and the possibility for 3AMK Alliance to build a national and international research center around it.
Learning Excellence
Learning Excellence’s development managers have been busy with finishing learning lanes and language offering for autumn 2022. The enrollment period for 3AMK’s learning lanes and language offering is open until 6.6.2022. The language offering of Aalto University will be published on Friday 13.5., and after that the courses can be enrolled. 3AMK’s language offering will still be updated during May. Enrollment period is open for Climate Launchpad-, and 10 Days 100 Challenges -intensive implementations.
On Friday 29.4. was held learning excellence’s steering group meeting. In the meeting we heard about Digivisio 2030 project. The project is seen as a change management, and universities and universities of applied sciences are wondering how they will integrate change with their other goals and future actions. Pedagogy has also come to the fore in the project, especially through digital pedagogy.
Let’s also jump a little to May and to the national UAS days held by Metropolia. Participants in 3AMK’s workshops were interested in the role of 3AMK in the Digivisio 2030 project. The 3AMK’s universities of applied sciences participate in the project as individual universities. 3AMK reviews the progress of the project and its results, without otherwise participating in it. However, it’s expected that the project will also affect the study offer of 3AMK in the future.
Tulevaisuuden tekijät intensive implementation will be held in English this year with the theme of transitional design.
R&D Excellence
On Thursday 7.4. RDI management gathered to discuss about higher education pedagogy and publishing activities of RDI projects. In 2022 the aim is to publish 70 publications, so it’s important for staff to make writing publications a everyday activity, so that the rising number of publications doesn’t come as a surprise.
Helsinki EU Office organized a hybrid event about urban development in Brussels. The event was participated by RDI’s Markku Anttonen, Clarissa Bingham, Sari Heikkinen and Sanna Juvonen. According to the umbrella organizations, the 3AMK Alliance is an interesting operator with great opportunities to influence. The Horizon EU project is active soil on which 3AMK has had the opportunity to make an impact, but what will happen at the end of the project? At the end of the project, the RDI management should think about new platforms for influencing and how the alliance wants to appear in Brussels in the future.
On Wednesday 13.4. Laurea organized inaugural meeting of the circular economy theme team. The thematic teams support RDI activities and co-operation between universities, for example with regard to projects and funding applications. The thematic teams also help to map the need for competence, and the need for competence in the circular economy has emerged in teaching and RDI activities. The intention is that the thematic team will meet monthly.
3UAS: Future-proof Business - System Leadership Competences
On Thursday 28.4. was held 3UAS: Future-proof Business – System Leadership Competences conference. The virtual conference was held for the first time this year and it had sixty speakers from twenty three university. Tiina Brandt, Haaga-Helia and RDI’s Change in work and skills were responsible of the conference this year. The conference was opened by Haaga-Helia’s principal Minna Hiillos, who emphasized in her opening the importance of RDI activities and the topicality of the conference’s topics.
The first speaker of the conference was P2X Solutions Oy’s Kati Levoranta, who shared her inspiring experiences as a leader and her path to entrepreneurship. The conference presentations were divided into virtual rooms by topic, and the presentations approached the topics from a variety of perspectives. We also heard interesting discussions about the importance of intuition and psychological safety among other things, as Tiina Brandt interviewed the panelists; Vertia Oy’s CEO Topi Jokinen, future designer Minna Koskelo, intuition researcher Asta Raami and Hellon Oy’s CEO Jaakko Wäänänen.
In the future, the 3UAS conference will be held annually, with the theme of entrepreneurship and leadership, which will be approached in a multidisciplinary way, combining different fields of science and expertise. The virtual conference will be held again in 27.4.2023 by Metropolia. In 2023 the theme of the conference is solutions to the challenges of complexity.