According to the decision of the 3AMK’s board of rectors, 3AMK Process Director Antti Vettenranta continues in the position for the following years 2021-2022. With the lead of the chairperson of the rector’s board, the 3AMK Process Director prepares the matters that are coming into the decision making. During the operation year 2021 the chairperson of the rector’s board is Teemu Kokko, the rector of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
On the upcoming contract period 2021-2024 the main task of the 3AMK’s actions is to prepare the new action plan and to put in to practice the strategy aims that were negotiated in Ministry of Education and Culture’s contract negotiations, especially the strategic international co-operation and its preparation.
Read more about 3AMK here.
More information:
Antti Vettenranta antti.vettenranta@laurea.fi
Picture: Unsplash