The continuous learning program for Civil Engineering aimed towards highly educated immigrants began on the 3rd of September at Metropolia UAS Myllypuro Campus. The first day consisted of getting to know the new student group and also included some lessons about building legislation and regulations in Finland. Coordinating teacher of the class, Kirsi Maasalo, claimed that teaching had been simple, but also exciting on the first day.
–Every once in a while, I had to stop and actually focus on my own speech and the words I use, as I am trying to be understood as best as I can. The group has very varied skills in Finnish, but as a whole, today has been positive, Maasalo states.

The students’ feelings were in line with Maasalo, even when they most likely were even more nervous about starting their new studies. Mohammed, who is originally from Iraq, and Sheena from Philippines both spoke and understood Finnish fluently. Their differing backgrounds speak about the importance of this program.
–In my home country I had completed a degree in Engineering, but in Finland I have worked mainly in teaching for the city of Espoo, Sheena says.
–I never felt like a teacher and the work of an engineer is my true passion. As soon as I walked into the classroom and started talking with the other students, I felt like I was in the right place and surrounded by similar people.
Mohammed already has completed his Degree in Civil Engineering in his home country and it has been recognized in Finland by The Ministry of Education and Culture. He has still been unable to find any work placements.
–I am here to gather some more knowledge about this business, because Civil Engineering is my thing. Other fields have not felt like right places for me. I am also here to learn more Finnish as it will make finding jobs a lot easier, Mohammed tells.
They both felt nervous about the first day, but being surrounded by young and enthusiastic students woke up a new feeling of courage in Sheena.