In the Spring of 2020, the 3AMK intensive course Digital Wellbeing Sprint is organized online. The first virtual session collected forty students to discuss the sprint-method and to familiarize themselves with the sprint tools.
In the Digital Wellbeing Sprint, students approach critical business questions by designing, prototyping and testing ideas in multidisciplinary teams. Students work together with real-life healthcare companies.
Students also hear inspirational speakers during the sprint. First inspirational speaker was Lauri Kuronen, a business advisor from the Health Capital Helsinki. He lectured about finding digital solutions in the health care sector. According to Kuronen, artificial intelligence and machine learning are something to go for in the healthcare sector. Robots are already assisting human tasks for example in surgical operation rooms.
According to Kuronen, medical care will be more personalized in the future. At the moment, the focus is on the sick care.
“Nowadays people go to see a doctor when they’re sick. Transformation from reactive healthcare to proactive and preventive healthcare has started.”
The virtual Digital Wellbeing Sprint will continue for a week. According to a project manager Heini Heinonen, the first day of the virtual implementation worked well.
”Students seem to be very motivated and excited. Online design sprint is a new experience and a real learning journey to us all! In addition, inspirational speakers gave a wide viewpoint to the topic”, Heinonen comments.
Digital Wellbeing Sprint is a seven-day intensive course organized by 3AMK Universities of Applied Sciences – Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. This year’s sprint companies are Emooter, Caleidocons, Hublet, Etsimo, StepOut and Coach4Pro. Read more about the Digital Wellbeing Sprint on their homepage.
More Information
Project manager Heini Heinonen heini.heinonen@laurea.fi
Picture: Unsplash