Digital Experience Design (5 op)

Are you interested in Experience Economy and customer experiences? In this course you will get to know consumer experience trends and digital tools for creating experiences.

This course is part of Haaga-Helia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

experiences, Experience Economy, consumer experience trends, digital experience, digital tools, marketing


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki/OMA. You can find the course with code SER012AS3AE-3003.


Enrollment period: 15th of May – 23th of May

Late enrollment: 3rd of June – 16th of August

Schedule: 19th of August – 13th of December 2024 | Independent virtual studies

Learning platform: Haaga-Helia’s Moodle, log in with Haaga-Helia user ID | If you do not have active Haaga-Helia user ID, you will receive it after the enrollment period.

Course content

Part 1
• Experience Economy and elements of experiences
• Consumer experience trends
• Target market
Part 2
• Digital tools for creating experiences
• Digital experience development process
• Product description
• Marketing plan for the digital experience

Upon completion of the course, the student is able to

  • analyse current global consumer trends and factors that affect and define future consumer experiences
  • identify potential target markets and analyse the characteristics of the chosen target group
  • apply innovative development methods to an engaging and shareable digital experience in a chosen industry
  • describe the different stages and key steps of the development process
  • produce a product description for the digital experience
  • choose relevant marketing channels for the digital experience

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Anu Seppänen (Haaga-Helia), Annika Konttinen (Haaga-Helia)

This course belongs to these themes:

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