Managing CRM Processes (5 ECTS)

This course focuses on the basics of CRM.

This course is part of Haaga-Helia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

CRM, marketing, digital footprint, Salesforce


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki. You can find the course with code ICB006AS2AE-3003.


Enrollment period: 15th of May – 23th of May 2024

Late enrollment: 3rd of June – 16th of August

Schedule: 19th of August – 13th of December 2024 | Contact studies at Haaga-Helia Pasila campus | Lectures in classroom 2209 on Thursdays at 11.00am – 1.45pm

Learning platform: Haaga-Helia’s Moodle, log in with Haaga-Helia user ID | If you do not have active Haaga-Helia user ID, you will receive it after the enrollment period.

Course content

Theoretical part of CRM
– marketing, customer relationship management
– operational CRM
– analytical CRM
– collaborational CRM
– digital footprint
– how web pages are collecting customer data
– Salesforce practical excersizes/ Salesforce trails

Upon successful completion of the course, the student

  • will learn what the term CRM means
  • will understand the value of data for CRM use purposes
  • can evaluate business requirements for CRM
  • gain practical experiences how to use CRM information system (Salesforce)

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Jari Haggren (Haaga-Helia), Seppo Karisto (Haaga-Helia)

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