The target of the conference is to make visible the know-how of the universities of applied sciences and especially the RDI-work and business co-operation. We invite experts to present their development work. We ask for papers (blogs) for the conference. This year, the papers will not be peer-reviewed, i.e. we do not ask for traditional conference papers. You can apply until 18th of January by sending an abstract (max 1500 characters) to helena.kuusisto-ek@metropolia.fi or leena.unkari-virtanen@metropolia.fi, from whom you can also get more information.
Papers (blogs) are accepted for the conference and conference publication based on the expertise of their authors. The papers will go through an editorial process.
- Text length 5,000–10,000 characters without spaces
- Font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 2, margins 2.5 cm
- Headings font size 14 bold. Pages numbered. Add 3-5 keywords to describe the content. Add a title page to the beginning that includes the authors’ contact information after the title
- Texts can be written in Finnish or English
- Both abstracts and article texts are returned by e-mail to helena.kuusisto-ek@metropolia or leena.unkari-virtanen@metropolia.fi
18.1.2023 Deadline for the abstracts
20.1.2023 Applications are accepted
15.3.2023 Deadline for finisher papers
6.4.2023 Comments for the writers
27.4.2023 The conference
5.5.2023 Final versions of the papers sent to publishers of the publication
We aim to finish the publication in June 2023