Selling ICT solutions (5 ECTS)

Do you wanna learn how to sell different ICT solutions? In this course you will get familiar with negotiation skills at different stages of sales process, different roles through sales process, and the challenges in diverse areas of IT solution sales.

This course is part of Haaga-Helia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

sales, ICT, negotiation, customer understanding


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki. You can find the course with code ICB006AS3AE-3001.


Enrollment period: 15th of May- 23th of May 2024

Late enrollment: 3rd of June – 16th of August

Schedule: 19th of August – 13th of December 2024 | Contact studies at Haaga-Helia Pasila campus | Lectures in classroom 2209 on Thursdays at 2.00pm – 4.45pm

Learning platform: Haaga-Helia’s Moodle, log in with Haaga-Helia user ID | If you do not have active Haaga-Helia user ID, you will receive it after the enrollment period.

Course content

– Selling and sales organizations
– Customer understanding
– Customer Value creation
– Solution sales process
– Tendering
– Solution Negotiations

The course is run by doing the learning tasks, no exam. The evaluation also based on the participation in teamwork.

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Terhi Pio (Haaga-Helia), Seppo Karisto (Haaga-Helia)

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