Introduction to Information Security (5 ECTS)

Learn the basics of Information Security! In this course you will get familiar with security technology, tools, architectures and designs.

This course is part of Laurea UAS’ study offering.

Key words

security, cybersecurity, security technologies, security architectures, risk management


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki. You can find the course with code TO00BR89-3012.

Haaga-Helia’s path student: Enroll via this link.

Laurea’s path student: Enroll for this course on Pakki. You can find the course with code TO00BR89-3012.

Metropolia’s path student: Enroll via this link.


Enrollment period: 20th of May – 26th of May 2024

Schedule: 1st of August – 31st of December 2024 | Scheduled independent virtual studies | Schedule can be read from Laurea’s study guide from 7th of May | This study unit is fully automated self paced online learning (MOOC) with the possibilities of volunteer tutoring meetings with the teachers

Learning platform: Laurea’s Canvas, HAKA log in or Laurea ID | You will receive Laurea user ID after the enrollment period.

Course content

After having completed this course, the student is able to:

  • act ethically as a member of study group and community

  • recognize and comprehend the importance of confidentiality, integrity and availability model for the information and cybersecurity

  • recognize and comprehend different threats, attacks and vulnerabilities

  • comprehend and describe security technologies and tools

  • comprehend and describe security architectures and designs

  • comprehend and describe identity and access management approaches

  • comprehend, describe and apply risk management principles

  • comprehend and describe cryptography and PKI concepts

  • differentiate cybersecurity domains and subdomains from each other

  • comprehend and explain the importance of the cybersecurity in the modern society

  • reflect and develop their own learning process

A more detailed course description can be read in the Laurea’s Study Guide.


Coordinating teacher: Pasi Kämppi (Laurea)

Course’s other teachers: Leo Johannesberg (Laurea), Paresh Rathod (Laurea)

This course belongs to these themes:

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