Developing Sales Oriented Organisation (5 ECTS)

Are you interested in developing sales oriented organisation? In this course you will get familiar with development and management of sales organisation, and organisational structures and operation models from sales perspective.

This course is part of Haaga-Helia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

sales, marketing, customer journey, strategic development, sales organisation, Master's


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki/OMA. You can find the course with code SAL4HM102-3008.


Enrollment period: 15th of May – 23th of May 2024

Late enrollment: 3rd of June – 18th of October

Schedule: 21st of October – 13th of december 2024 | Scheduled independent virtual studies

Learning platform: Haaga-Helias’s Moodle, log in with Haaga-Helia user ID | If you do not have active Haaga-Helia user ID, you will receive it after the enrollment period.

Course content

– Development and management of a sales organisation
– Motivation of a sales organisation
– Integration of sales and marketing
– Organisational structures and operation models from a sales perspective
– Sales and customer journey processes in organisation
– Strategic development of sales

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Riku Hytönen (Haaga-Helia)

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