ADHD and higher education studies: On the trail of lost concentration -webinar

Has your concentration been lost? Have you suspected ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms yourself or are you interested in the topic on a more general level? You’re welcome to hear more about the current topic at a Zoom Webinar on Wednesday 4th of December 2024 at 2-3 pm

The increase in ADHD symptoms has sparked a lot of discussion, and students’ contacts to FSHS (Finnish student health service) and student well-being services have increased related to the topic.

The webinar is organized in 3AMK co-operation, and it is open for all the students of Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. The webinar will be held by Laurea’s Special Education Teacher Marko Kallionpää and FSHS’ Psychologist Hanna Terävä, who will also explain about the research process of FSHS. Possibly also a student as an experience expert on site. 

By signing up, you’ll get a reminder email, calendar booking and a chance to give feedback.

Warmly welcome!


Etunimi Sukunimi, sähköpostiosoite

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