Seeing Through Data (5 op)

Tämä opintojakso on osa Digitaalinen talousohjaus -kokonaisuutta, jonka tavoitteena on talouden raportoinnin ja siihen liittyvien digitaalisten taitojen kehittäminen. Halutessasi suorittaa kokonaisuuden ilmoittaudu tämän opintojakson lisäksi Talousohjaus (10 op) ja Johdon talousraportointi (Business Intelligence) (5 op) -opintojaksoille. Voit myös suorittaa pelkästään tämän opintojakson.

In this course you will get to know Business Intelligence and Data Science.

This course is part of Metropolia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

Data Science, analytics, business data


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki/OMA. You can find the course with code LC00EJ12-3004.


Enrollment period: 6th of May – 19th of May

Late enrollment: 7th of June – 11th of August

Schedule: 26th of August – 15th of December | Contact studies at Metropolia Myyrmäki campus

Learning platform: Metropolia’s Moodle, HAKA log in

Course content

– Business Intelligence
– Reporting, descriptive and predictive analytics
– Data Science

After having completed this course, the student:

  • knows how to use data for achieving better life, sustainable resources and work worthy of a human being
  • understands how business users, like end-users, managers and data scientist, use data analytics to detect and solve business problems and to support decision making
  • understands processes needed to develop, report, and analyze business data
  • is able to use and apply selected software.

A more detailed course description can be read in the Metropolia’s Study Guide.


Misa Bakajic (Metropolia)

This course belongs to these themes:

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