Circular Economy and Supply Chain Management (5 op)

Get to know the circular economy’s linkages to supply chain management.

This course is part of Haaga-Helia UAS’ study offering.

Key words

supply chain management, circular economy, transportation


Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki/OMA. You can find the course with code COR008AS2AE-3003.


Enrollment period: 6th of May – 23th of May 2024

Late enrollment: 3rd of June – 16th of August

Schedule: 19th of August – 11th of October 2024 | Scheduled independent virtual studies

Learning platform: Haaga-Helia’s Moodle, log in with Haaga-Helia user ID | If you do not have active Haaga-Helia user ID, you will receive it after the enrollment period.

Course content

  • Importance of supply chain management in circular economy
  • Processes from collection, recycling, circular sourcing, manufacturing
  • Greenhouse gazes of various transportation modes
  • Metrics related circular economy
  • Principles of ISO 14001 and ISO Circular economy standard

A student who has completed this course or has acquired equivalent skills is able to:

  • know the circular economy’s linkages to supply chain management
  • identify feasible, ethical and resource efficient circular economy solutions
  • recognize principles of collecting, recycling, purchasing circular materials and further processing of
    materials (sustainable manufacturing)
  • assess various environmental impacts of circular economy and monitoring performance and
    environmental impacts with use of metrics of circular economy
  • know principles of 1SO 14001 environmental management system and new ISO Circular economy standard
  • assess various greenhouse gas emissions of transportation modes

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Eeva Aarnio (Haaga-Helia), Soile Kallinen (Haaga-Helia)

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