Swedish Gym (1 op)

Do you need to warm up your “Swedish muscles”? Welcome to practice core skills of Swedish grammar and vocabulary. We’re thrilled to have you join us on this “gym class” of exploring the Swedish language. This course is designed to give you a comfortable and supportive space to practice, review, and build confidence in the basics of Swedish language. Let’s make the most of this learning experience.

Welcome to our Swedish gym – Välkommen till vårt svenska gym!

This is unique 3AMK collaboration course, which is coordinated by Haaga-Helia.

This course was co-created in a project (Pääkaupunkiseudun korkeakoulujen kieltenopetus) by Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Key words

Swedish, Swedish grammar, Swedish vocabulary, Basics of Swedish language


This course is open for all.

Enroll for this course on Peppi/Pakki/OMA. You can find the course with code SWE002AS0AE-3001.

Haaga-Helia’s path student: Enroll for this course via this link.

Laurea’s path student: Enroll for this course on Pakki. You can find the course with code SWE002AS0AE-3001.

Metropolia’s path student: Enroll for this course via this link.

Enroll for this course via this link.

Course details

Course unit language: English

Enrollment period: 25th of November – 15th of December 2024

Schedule: 24th of March – 16th of May May 2025 | Independent virtual studies

Learning platform: Metropolia’s Moodle, HAKA log in

Course content

Learning Objectives:

  • To develop proficiency in key basic structures and to expand vocabulary
  • To enhance understanding of spoken language and pronunciation
  • To provide tools, tips, and inspiration for developing Swedish language skills

Main Content:

  • Learning everyday vocabulary
  • Rehearsal of basic structures: nouns, verbs and adjectives

A more detailed course description can be read in the Haaga-Helia’s Study Guide.


Coordinating teacher: Anna Sarajas-Zino (Haaga-Helia)

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